
Flowered tomatoes Cherry on the panicle

ca. 300 g
Fresh from the farm


 €2.52 €8.39 /kg

Delivery to your door

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Country: Austria,
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Regional businesses & unbeatable freshness

We source locally for the freshest groceries you can trust.



Fresh local vegetables from Vienna's first aquaponics farm


Fresh high-quality vegetables from Wiens are not a novelty to begin with. Vienna, or Austria, is one of the pioneers of local self-sufficiency in Europe. However, vegetables from Austria's first aquaponics plant go several steps further! Closed cycles, resource-saving production, the smallest possible CO2 footprint and few food miles. This really is a holistic package that is only available from BLÜN. In addition to technical innovation, the Blün gardeners only grow specialities and peculiarities, old varieties in contemporary cultivation. Just try it!

Resource-saving circular economy with full flavour


The Viennese start-up BLÜN produces fish and vegetables in a sustainable circular economy, this system is called aquaponics and works like this: The BLÜN fish grow up slowly in Viennese high-spring water. The water in the basins is exchanged to a certain extent every day, but instead of simply being drained away, it is reused as a source of nutrients for the vegetable plants next door - this is how our juicy tomatoes, crunchy peppers and aromatic melanzani are produced, which taste like being on holiday in the south but actually come from very close by.
